Banin and Bintjbeil website held a live broadcast with the journalist Samar Bou Khalil, where they were able to raise the funds needed to assist 1300 victims affected in the Beirut Port Blast.
Wish foundation, in a direct call from its representative Mr. Hassan Ayache whereby he pledged that Wish foundation will be donating 90000$ fresh money to Banin Charity in order to be distributed 1000000 LBp to each family affected.
تغطية مباشرة
غارة على مدينة صور استهدفت موقف السيارات مقابل مصرف لبنان ومعلومات عن وقوع إصابات
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الطيران الحربي يخرق جدار الصوت فوق بعض المناطق اللبنانية
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